The point of these documents is to identify a common set of syntax and instructions for writing code at Old Town Media. Our goal is to establish a standard well-above the local, small agency and push ourselves to the next level. We use these standards on a daily basis in every site that we work on and hope that you will as well. We have taken the time to push this publicly and open-source as proof of our commitment to quality.

Our Core Values

We have the opportunity to write a lot of code for a lot of disparate clients. With so many use cases and different needs we have created a set of guiding values that keep us focused on the most important aspects of our code.


Write tools & systems that automate the simple/grunt areas of development and keep our mind focused on the difficult problems.


Respect the future and other developers by keeping code modular, documented, and verbosely named.


Test all code & outputs as thoroughly as possible - QA & testing keep us honest and produce the best possible outcome.


Respect a user's time & bandwidth by keeping code and assets lean, performant, and optimized.


While these pages reflect our stylization and standards, we have borrowed heavily from the industry leaders in standards. These companies deserve credit for taking the lead in their respective industries and publishing their standards open-source.